Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I've been bad

Yes, it is true. I haven't been good about updating my blog. My head has been elsewhere. I just wanted to complain about some things. Like, why is it so difficult to do things in a sensible way? Or why don't my EPN students show up to class? That's right, their university forces them to take English for free, so why would they?

However, I have to also add that these past couple months have completely changed my experience here in Ecuador. I have met amazing students who have really displayed generosity and a genuine care for each other--including myself. I realized that going to the clubs that many of my (great) friends go to here is just not my thing. I mean, I can experience that in the States. But, going to a local Ecua bar in La Ronda, for example, is where you can really experience Ecuadorian culture via jarras of vino hervido [boiled wine], while dancing to musica nacional... How awesome is that?